
A major objective and challenge in SeaDataNet is to provide an integrated and harmonised overview and access to data resources, managed by distributed data centres. Moreover it is an objective to provide users common means for analysing and presenting data and data products. Therefore the Technical Task Team of SeaDataNet has designed an overall system architecture, and is developing common software tools for data centres and users.

Common software tools are being developed and freely made available to Data Centres and/or End Users for:

  • Editing and generating XML metadata entries: MIKADO javatool
  • Tool for the generation of spatial objects from vessel navigation during observations: EndsAndBends
  • SeaDataNet file format convertor : OCTOPUS
  • Conversion of any ASCII format to the SeaDataNet ODV4 ASCII format: NEMO javatool
  • Connecting systems of Data Centres to the SeaDataNet portal for data access: Replication Manager javatool

Using SEANOE, SeaDataNet enables to get a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) on your data making them citable resources.