New release of MIKADO 3.6

Download version 3.6

Main changes:


  • CDI ISO 19139 formats updated to v12.1.1 for INSPIRE compliance
    • Horizontal datum is now mandatory (var03)
  • CSR ISO 19139 formats updated to v5.1.1 for INSPIRE compliance
  • Protocol changes from http to https for BODC webservices, SeaDataNet schemas, URN resolver
  • ISO 19139 - addition of a new functionnality to download the latest version of CDI and CSR ISO19139 xsd (new menu option/ISO19139 schema update)


  • CDI and CSR publications are free links now ("Documentation URL", var 90 in CDI and var 50 in CSR), they were previouly required as reference from a central catalogue of publications managed by MARIS.