Where can I find the MIKADO user manual?
MIKADO user manual is available directly on MIKADO webpage.
More than 110 national oceanographic data centres and marine data centres from 35 countries riparian to all European seas are now connected to the SeaDataNet infrastructure!
Interoperability is the key to distributed data management system success and it is achieved in SeaDataNet by using common vocabularies, adopting the ISO 19115 metadata standard for all metadata directories, using harmonised Data Transport Formats for data sets delivery and using common quality control protocols and flag scales.
A major objective and challenge in SeaDataNet is to provide an integrated and harmonised overview and access to data resources, managed by distributed data centres. Moreover it is an objective to provide users common means for analysing and presenting data and data products. Therefore the Technical Task Team of SeaDataNet has designed an overall system architecture, and is developing common software tools for data centres and users. Read more
Information on SeaDataNet events held in the frame of SeaDataCloud, SeaDataNet2 or SeaDataNet european projects, whether they are regular gatherings of consortium members and connected data-centres for coordination and training purposes or the organisation of conferences to engage international audience in marine and ocean data acquisition, management infrastructures and data application.
MIKADO user manual is available directly on MIKADO webpage.